
Eatling´s food blog!!!  I am so excited to start this blog & share inspirations about one of my passions..FOOD! Everyday I get over excited about food, the color of a vegetable,the scent of a herb and really excited over a new recipe. I go on & on about it to whoever is in earshot, so now I can on about on my blog!

FOOD for me is a big table surrounded with lovely people. Ladened with healthful, beautiful & delicious food, lots of laughter & the sounds yummmmm as we enjoy & give attention to the food on our plates. Often an appropriate good red wine is  wonderful as well. Food for me is a moment of sharing with the people we love.

So how fortunate for me that in the past 9 years I haved lived in Berlin that my `hobby`to cook for my friends is now a full blown job! Cool! So as well as creating food for events, everyday  I have the privilege to cook for a group of lovely people at MCT Agentur  www.mct-agentur.com , a company for concert promotions . My friend who owns the company wished for his employees to eat healthful food that energized everyone for the rest of the day. What a wonderful concept! And I love to cook there & I do get to hear those yuuuuummm sounds and laughter & stories everyone shares over lunch.

I love to travel & try the food of different cultures & that is where I get my inspiration for new ideas…I remember a dish from somewhere & recreate it with my own twist, often my New Zealand roots will creep into it ( except for the meat as I am a vegetarian!!). My favorite creations are Asian inspired, this is the basis of my cooking style. I love the light & fresh flavors of Vietnamese & Thai Cuisine. The healthful simplictiy of Japanese food…yum yum yum.

Eatling is the name of my Catering company & my Name is Ling= Eat-Ling!!!

Eatling´s food blog begins & I see a big big table with lots of new foodie friends!

Love Ling.


One Response to “About”
  1. Sweetie, I’m really excited about your blog!! Thank you for serving your beautiful food online now!! LOVE you.

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